Dec 29, 2012

In a Glass Grimmly by Adam Gidwitz


Take caution ahead--
Oversize plant life, eerie amphibious royalty, and fear-inducing creatures abound.

Lest you enter with dread.
Follow Jack and Jill as they enter startling new landscapes that may (or may not) be scary, bloody, terrifying, and altogether true.

Step lively, dear reader . . .
Happily ever after isn't cutting it anymore.

In this companion novel to Adam Gidwitz's widely acclaimed, award-winning debut, A Tale Dark & Grimm, Jack and Jill explore a new set of tales from the Brothers Grimm and others, including Jack and the Beanstalk and The Frog Prince.


I love how these tales dont hide the gruesome things like cutting off body parts (not that that happenes) or getting burned by dragon fire and the pain that comes with it. Most of all though I love that these books- these fairy tales-, besides the pain and terribleness, still teach valuable life lessons. Whether it's how to "under-stand" someone (not at all like understanding them) or how to not become "con-fused" (which isn't anything like being confused). It's a really nice way of combining the fairy tales of old and the tales of new with a couple songs and rhyms of now and then also.


  1. Danielle, thanks for linking up with Books You Loved. Cheers

  2. Sounds interesting. THANKS for sharing.

    Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved March Edition. I am in that list as #15.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Entry

  3. Quite a new take on fairy tales! Something new for me. Stopping over from Books You Loved also.
